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Global Options

The plugin allows users to pass in both global and local options.


Local options have higher precedence than global options.

Some of these global options are used as default options when local options are not set. The global options are passed to the plugin through mkdocs.yml:

    - pdf-generate:
        author: "Randy Duodu"
        author_logo: img/logo.svg
        copyright: "Copyright © 2022 - MkDocs PDF Generate"
        disclaimer: "Disclaimer: Content can change at anytime and best to refer to website for latest information."
        include_legal_terms: true
        cover: true
        cover_title: TITLE TEXT
        cover_subtitle: SUBTITLE TEXT
        custom_template_path: TEMPLATES PATH
        toc: false
        toc_level: 3
        toc_title: TOC TITLE TEXT
        toc_numbering: true
          default: img/default.svg
          type1: img/type1.png
        enabled_if_env: ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT

for Cover


Set the value to false if you don't need a cover page.

default: true


Set the title text in cover page.


The following rule is applied when setting the value for cover title text in cover page.

Cover Title precedence:

  1. title (local pdf metadata option)
  2. H1 heading for page
  3. cover title (global)
  4. site_name variable in your project's mkdocs.yml

default: use site_name in your project's mkdocs.yml


Set the subtitle text in cover page.


The following rule is applied when setting the value for cover subtitle text in cover page.

Cover Subtitle precedence:

  1. subtitle (local pdf metadata option)
  2. type (local pdf metadata option)
  3. cover subtitle (global)

default: None


Set the author text.

default: use site_author in your project's mkdocs.yml

Provide a logo image which you can use in the cover page.


Using an SVG image as the value for author logo is recommended.

default: use theme.logo in your project's mkdocs.yml

Set the copyright text.

default: use copyright in your project's mkdocs.yml


Set the disclaimer text.

Set the value to true if you want to include legal information sections at the end of your PDF document.

If you specify this option, you need to have an HTML file or Jinja2 template file named legal_terms with any of these file extensions (.html.j2, .html.jinja2, .html, .htm). Also, you can create a customised legal_terms template and assign its name to the legal_terms local option. Check the legal_terms local option for more information.

The disclaimer templates must be saved under the folder you specified as the custom_template_path.

default: false


Set the cover image for specific document types.

The option takes a key-value pair where the key must be the same value you specified for the type local pdf metadata option.

The value for a key must be the path to the image.


- pdf-generate:
      default: img/home-banner.svg
      home: img/manual-banner.svg
      options: img/project-banner.svg
      customize: img/tutorial-banner.svg


Apart from the default key-value pair under cover_images, the other key-value pairs can have user-defined values.

Recommended: You must specify an image path for the default key-value pair. We will use the image as the cover image for any document that does not specify the type local pdf metadata option.

default: None

for Heading and TOC


Set the value to false if you don't need a table of content section in the PDF document.

default: true


Set the title text for Table of Contents.

default: Table of Contents


Set the level of Table of Contents. This value is enabled in the range of from 1 to 6.

default: 4


Set the value to false if you don't want your table of contents to be numbered in the PDF document.

default: true

... and more


Set the value to true if you want to create a CSV file containing data about each valid document based on the format below:

title, type, revision, , , pdf_url, pdf_checksum, txt_checksum, txt_url

default: false


The CSV file will contain data about documents with the toc_txt local option set to true.


A relative path inside your projects' directory. This folder is where you put both the custom cover template and custom plugin CSS file (cover.html and custom.css).


The custom template's filename can either be cover or the document type with any of these file extensions .html.j2, .html.jinja2, .html, or .htm. Example: cover.html.j2, cover.html.jinja2, cover.html, cover.htm OR Example: if document type is manual then you can create a template file called manual.html or manual.html.j2 or manual.html.jinja2 or manual.htm.

You can refer to this example about how to use a custom cover template and custom CSS.

default: use default plugin template


Setting this option will generate PDF files only if there is an environment variable set to 1. The environment variable must match the value of enabled_if_env.

This is useful to disable building the PDF files during development, since it can take a long time to export all files.

default: None

PDF generation can take significantly longer than HTML generation which can slow down MkDocs built-in dev-server.

Adding enabled_if_env: ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT disables PDF generation during development and runs the dev-server normally:

$ mkdocs serve
INFO     -  Building documentation...
INFO     -  PDF export is disabled (set environment variable ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT to 1 to enable)
INFO     -  Cleaning site directory
INFO     -  Documentation built in 0.54 seconds
INFO     -  [08:51:24] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO     -  [08:51:24] Serving on

and to build PDF files, set the ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT=1 environment variable:

$ ENABLE_PDF_EXPORT=1 mkdocs build
INFO    -  Converting 2 files to PDF took 1.82s
INFO    -  Documentation built in 2.29 seconds


Setting this to true will show all WeasyPrint debug messages during the build.
default: false

debug (for development purposes only)

Setting this to true enables the debug mode which saves the HTML content used in generating the PDF files into a folder called pdf_html_debug. The pdf_html_debug folder is relative to the documentation source directory.

This option is intended to help users in writing appropriate CSS styles for the HTML content used to generate the PDF documents.

default: false


  • The debug option only works with the mkdocs build command.
  • It is recommended to add the pdf_html_debug folder to your ignored files when using a version control system.

debug_target (for development purposes only)

This option helps you to generate a PDF file for a single target document. The value for debug_target should be the relative path to the target document. Example: debug_target: customise/

This option is intended to help reduce the time spent by users in debugging a single document used to generate a PDF file.

default: null


  • The debug_target option only works with the mkdocs build command.
  • You must set the debug option to true, if you want to use the debug_target option.


Allows you to use a different CSS media type (or a custom one like pdf-generate) for the PDF export.
default: print


Allows you to specify a custom theme handler module. This path must be relative to your project root (See example below).
default: None


  - pdf-generate:
      theme_handler_path: theme-handler



├── docs

├── mkdocs.yml

├── site



Local Options

The plugin allows you to set document specific options using the Markdown page metadata. If a page metadata is specified, it has higher precedence than the global options.

The local options are specified in the specific Markdown document you want to use:

  build: false  
  filename: Plugin Options
  title: Options for MkDocs PDF Generate Plugin
  type: Manual
  revision: 0.2
  toc_txt: true
    id: cover_product_image
    source: "img/product_img.png" # relative to the MD file itself
    inline_css: "position: absolute; opacity: 0.8; height: 10mm; width: 15mm; left: 50mm; top: 50mm;" 

The following options are available:

  • build
  • title
  • subtitle
  • type
  • filename
  • revision
  • csv_name
  • toc_txt
  • legal_terms
  • cover_image


Allows you to specify whether to generate a PDF file for a Markdown file. Value is true or false.


The function of the build option is different from that of the enabled_if_env. The build option disables PDF generation for a single Markdown file while enabled_if_env disables PDF generation for the entire project.

default: true


Set the title text in cover page.


Set the subtitle text in cover page.


Set the document type.


  • We use the value, of this option, in selecting the document's cover image from the cover_images option.
  • Also, we use the value, of this option, in selecting the custom cover template.


Set the filename to use for a specific page when downloading the PDF document.


Filename precedence:

  1. filename (local pdf metadata) - formatted such that all are valid characters
  2. title (local pdf metadata) - formatted such that all are valid characters
  3. title (local metadata) - formatted such that all are valid characters
  4. H1 - formatted such that all are valid characters


Set the revision text in cover page.


Set the product name for a row in the CSV file. The value for this option is used as the title for a particular row in the CSV file.

toc_txt (experimental)

Set to true if you want to build a TXT file that contains the Table of Contents of the Markdown file. Value is true or false.

default: false


The TXT file acts as the Table of Contents lookup table for a PDF document.


You must set both the toc and toc_numbering global options to true before using this option.

Set the name of the custom template file, without the file extensions (e.g. legal_terms and not legal_terms.html.j2 or legal_terms.html), you want to use that contains the legal_terms information. If the custom template file is not found, we use the global legal_terms.html.j2 template, if it exists or the legal_terms information is not added.

The custom template must be an HTML file or Jinja2 template file.


  • You must set the include_legal_terms global option to true before using this option.
  • The legal_terms template's filename can either be legal_terms or any accepted filename with one of these file extensions .html.j2, .html.jinja2, .html, or .htm.
    Example: if legal_terms option is set to privacy then you can create a template file called privacy.html or privacy.html.j2 or privacy.html.jinja2 or privacy.htm.


The cover_image option allows users to add an image to the cover page.
default: None

The option takes 3 required key-value pairs which consist of:

  • id: Must be equal to the ID attribute of the HTML element you would like to apply the image on. E.g. if the HTML element looks like this: <div id="product_img_area"></div> then the id is equal to product_img_area.
  • source: Image path relative to the Markdown file itself. E.g. img/product_img.png
  • inline_css: CSS properties you would like to apply to the HTML element. E.g. height: 200px; width: 200px; top: 10mm;


    id: product_img_area
    source: "img/product_img.png" # relative to the MD file itself
    inline_css: "height: 200px; width: 200px; top: 10mm"


  • The plugin adds the image by:
    • using the value you set as id to select the element you want to apply the image to. NB: You must have an HTML element with an ID attribute equal to id in your cover template.
    • applying the CSS styles you set as inline_css to the HTML element using the inline CSS style attribute (i.e. style='...').
    • then applying the value you set as source to the HTML element's style attribute using the CSS background-image property. E.g. background-image: url('source').
  • Also, the plugin adds some default CSS properties such as position: absolute; background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; to the HTML element's style attribute.