Sphinx-PDF Generate CLI Tool

Sphinx-PDF Generate provides a command-line interface tool you need to use in building the PDF documents.

You can run the command sphinx-pdf-generate -h to get help and usage information for the CLI tool.

$ sphinx-pdf-generate -h

usage: sphinx-pdf-generate [-h] [--version] sourcedir outdir

Build PDF files for Sphinx HTML build files.

positional arguments:
  sourcedir   source directory
  outdir      output directory for built documentation

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --version   show program's version number and exit

Sphinx's arguments:
  The following arguments are forwarded as-is to Sphinx. Please look at `sphinx --help` for more information.
    -b=builder, -a, -E, -d=path, -j=N, -c=path, -C, -D=setting=value, -t=tag, -A=name=value, -n, -v, -q, -Q, -w=file, -W, -T, -N, -P


For example, if you want to generate PDF documents for your documentation project, you can use the command sphinx-pdf-generate sourcedir outdir as below:

$ sphinx-pdf-generate ./docs/source ./docs/_build/html

When you run the command above, the Sphinx-PDF Generate CLI tool passes the options and arguments specified to the Sphinx HTML builder.

The Sphinx HTML builder builds the HTML files for the documentation and generates a configuration file for Sphinx-PDF Generate.

The Sphinx-PDF Generate CLI tool then uses the information in the configuration file to generate the PDF documents for the documentation.